Repeat the procedure if the paint remains on the siding.
Remove paint from shingle siding.
Do not use a power washer or any similar cleaning product to remove paint from your cedar siding.
Take care to get the paste into any nooks and crannies.
Rinse using a power washer using the rinse nozzle.
Remove paint from cedar shingles but if your home is sided in traditional cedar shingles you re stuck doing it the old fashioned way.
Cost effectiveness the cost to paint vinyl siding is considerably cheaper than the expense of purchasing and installing new panels.
Curb appeal nothing restores the beauty and magnificence of a home quite like painting dull and faded exterior vinyl panels.
Allowing the paint time to fully dry means it will take you much longer and be much harder to remove the paint and it also will add to the possibility that you might damage the shingles.
If your paint stripper product does not indicate that it is non toxic wear a respirator and protective gloves when applying the product to your cedar siding so you do not inhale or come in contact with harmful chemicals.
Aside from extending its shelf life there are several other pros of painting vinyl siding these include.
Cedar is a soft wood and the force of a power washer while it will take the paint off easily enough will also very likely damage the wood and drive moisture deep into it causing your future paint job to peel.
Water based paint mix laundry detergent with warm water.
Spread an nmp based paint removing paste onto the siding using a disposable paint brush.